Adding a Media resource is covered within 'Adding Resources: Single Resources'
However, the Media resource screen has many important details that printers will find helpful.
- There are two tabs a printer can choose from: Resources or Templates
- The 'Resources' tab lists are resources that are not saved as belonging to a template
Example of 'Resources' tab
- The 'Templates' tab lists templates and any resources (or templates) that belong to the list of templates
Example of resources within a template of the 'Templates' tab
- All columns in the 'Resources' tab can be reordered: Name, Paper type, Cost, Cost Per Unit, and Last Cost Update
- There is a 'Quick edit' button that allows a printer to change the cost of multiple media resources at a time on the main 'Resources' tab screen
- This eliminates a printer from selecting the three dots to the right of a media resource and clicking 'Cost settings' for each resource individually
To make cost updates to multiple media resources at once:
- Select 'Quick edit'
- Adjust the cost of media resources as needed within the 'Cost' column
- Select 'Done' when completed
- Select 'Yes, I'm sure' if you would like to continue to save the changes made
- Select 'No, undo' if you do NOT want to proceed with the changes made
- Cost updates have been applied to the media resources that had their 'Cost' column updated
Media resources can be filtered three ways. To filter the list of media resources:
- Select the 'Filters' icon in the upper-right
- Start typing in a tag under 'Filter by tag'
- Choose a tag from the list of all currently being used tags
- Odyssey will narrow down the search for only those media resources that contain the chosen tag
Example of filtering based on the existing tag 'envelope'
- Select from 'Cut sheets' or 'Roll' under 'Filter by paper type
- Odyssey will then present a list of media resources based on the paper type selected
Example of filtering based on the paper type 'Roll'
- Select 'Available' or 'Unavailable' under 'Filter by availability' to show a list of papers based on their availability
Example of filtering based on any media set as 'Unavailable'
- Select 'Apply filters' when done using the various functions to filter
- Select 'Clear filters' at any time to clear the set filter(s)
Printers have the ability to export a list of all their media resources or a filtered down list of their media resources- both to a PDF or a CSV file. To export media resources:
- Select 'Export' in the upper-right next to 'Filters'
- Select 'Download as PDF' or 'Download as CSV'
- The title of the csv file will be called 'media.csv'
- The title of the pdf file will be called 'media.pdf'
Example of selecting 'Export' to export a list of Media
Printers may utilize a media 'Search' feature found only within the 'Media Resources' main page. This allows printers to search for any word, number or set of characters as part of the 'Media name' of a given media resource.
In the example below, the search for '100' was used. Odyssey returned 7 media resources that has '100' as part of it's 'Media name', which is also part of the 'Name' column:
The following example shows a search for 'TEXT' which resulted in 9 media resources having 'Text' as part of their 'Media name':
Cost Log
Odyssey provides printers a feature called a 'Cost Log'. The Cost Log will show printers every cost update made to a particular media resource. To access the Cost Log:
- Select the three dots to the right of a media resource
- Select 'Cost Log'
Example of selecting the 'Cost Log' icon for the '100 lb. Gloss (Blue)' media resource
A pop-up will show the printer the media name and the date, cost, quantity and employee of each cost update made to the resource.
Example of a Cost Log for a media resource
- Select 'Close' to close out of the cost log for the media resource
Cost Settings
- Select the three dots to the right of a media resource
- Select 'Cost Settings'
Select 'Cost Settings' to edit (or add to) the existing cost of a single Media resource
- Refer to 'Adding Resources: Single Resources' for editing the 'Resource Cost' screen for a single media resource