Odyssey v2.0: Release Notes

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Here's what's been happening in Odyssey v2.0...

Released: 8/26/2021
Version 2.0.40 Prelaunch

  • Printers will now see the updated look and feel related to adding calculations in workflows
    • This also includes 'Advanced Options' when adding or editing calculations.
  • Printers are now able to toggle whether they want to propagate waste as part of a calculation for only that particular resource of the process or for all resources for the process.
  • Printers can now utilize the updated functionality when adding resources, which includes adding templates.
    • When using templates for resources, child resources will inherit the attributes of the parent resource
  • Printers can now add what are called 'Tags' to resources
    • Tags allows for an easier way to find resources needing to be added within workflows
  • Job workflows have been streamlined for an easier glance at the selling price, the estimated cost, and the estimated profit at the top of the job.

Released: 8/13/2021
Version 2.0.39 Prelaunch

  • A Product workflow now allows for different 'Output' resources if there are multiple processes connected to a subsequent node.
  • A Product workflow will now show a 'Group' of resources as the input of a process after a node if there were different outputs of processes before the same node.
  • Within a Job workflow, Odyssey has enough information to automatically choose the correct, valid input resource for a process after the node if there were different outputs of processes before the same node.

Released: 7/30/2021
Version 2.0.38 Prelaunch

  • Printers can now combine multiple datasets into 1 (or more) reports
  • Printers can access ANY file a printbuyer sends through the website
    • This is found under Printshop > My Files
  • When using website pricing, the profits for a particular job can now be calculated
  • When changing the label for the unit of measurement for a device resource, it does not affect the existing calculations either at the job or product workflow level
  • Printers can pre-set Invoice Settings by accessing the Settings > Invoice tab
  • Printers have the ability to view the schedule of an individual device resource now by accessing a 'Calendar' icon next to each device resource within Printshop > My Resources
    • Resource schedule is based on the printshop unavailability rules as well as the resource's unavailability rules

Released: 7/16/2021
Version 2.0.37 Prelaunch

  • Printers are now able to use an Omnisearch function
    • This is located next to the Alert bell and allows for searching within resources, jobs, orders, estimates, processes, employees, customers and invoices.
  • Printers can now access a drop-down within a pending job's workflow to open the job directly with a different workflow
  • Alert notifications are sent related to deadlines that are at risk of not being completed on time
  • Printers can now mark resources as 'No Cost' meaning they would not invoke a cost when being used in a workflow

Released: 7/02/2021
Version 2.0.36 Prelaunch

  • Printers have the ability to utilize the chat feature to converse with printbuyers regarding an answer of 'Other' from a question on the order form
    • Printers can now see chat replies from the printbuyer
  • Printers can now utilize the chat feature at the process level within a job workflow
    • Printers can send messages to the printbuyer for each process within a job's workflow and receive answers from the printbuyer
  • Printers can receive an Alert notification each time a new message is sent from a printshop employee in which said employee is a part of a chat
  • Printers now have the following available reports to run:
    • Jobs
    • Customers
    • Accounts
    • Employees
    • Tasks
    • Resources

Released: 6/18/2021
Version 2.0.35 Prelaunch

  • Printers can send questions to the customer and view the answers the customer added in the job-level chat feature.
  • Printers can now see the list of products include page numbers as this has significantly increased the load time of the Products page. 
    • Printers have the ability to select to view 20, 40, or 60 products per page.
  • Job-level and process-level notes are available in the PDF job ticket.
    • This also includes notes related to order forms answers of "Other"
  • Notes for estimates show up when viewing the estimate in the 'Job Notes' section and on the estimate PDF under 'Job Notes'
  • Printers can see a log file related to any changes made to the job quantity
  • Printers can see the job price as well as the job-estimated price within the job workflow.

Released: 6/4/2021
Versio: 2.0.34 Prelaunch

  • For jobs related to order forms that are set to use Odyssey pricing, printers can now change the quantity of the job in Odyssey
    • The updated quantity is reflected in the Control Center and in the print buyer's account
    • The price change resulting from the updated quantity is reflected in the Control Center and in the print buyer's account
  • Printers can edit the 'Notes' related to an 'Other' answer from the order form
    • This allows printers to ensure the correct 'Other' value is present during production
    • The notes related to the order are available in the job workflow as well as in the 'Job Specs' for an estimate
  • Printers can utilize an internal chat feature to communicate with other printshop employees
    • The chat feature  is found when viewing 'Pending', 'In Progress', or 'Completed' jobs as well as within each process of a job.
  • The PDF for invoices now indicates if a print buyer is 'Tax Exempt'
    • The 'Billed To' address is located under the 'Shipped To' section

Released: 5/21/2021
Version 2.0.33 Prelaunch

  • Printbuyers now receive an email notification if there is a change in the status of a job
    • Printers would need to select 'yes' upon the pop-up modal when changing the status of a process
  • Printers may add calculations using either the quantity or the area from a 'Roll' type of media
  • When copying a workflow, printers can now utilize a predictive search feature.
    • This allows printers to search for a product where the workflow is to be copied to
  • All products showing within 'My Products' have a link to their respective order form
  • When reorders are submitted, any notes added to the parent job or processes within the parent job are carried through to the reorder.
  • The 'Calculation' tab for each product has been replaced with two new tabs:
    • Profit Settings
    • Cost Settings

Released: 5/21/2021
Version 2.0.32 Prelaunch

  • Conditions to Apply has been improved, which allows printers to add a single condition or a group of conditions
    • Conditions to Apply can be added based on various Quantities
    • Conditions to Apply can be edited after being saved
    • The operators >, <, >=, <=, =, ≠ are presented

Sample Conditions to Apply modal

Released: 4/15/2021
Version 2.0.31 Prelaunch

  • The printer can add a Media resource that is considered a Roll.
    • The cost for this media is in dollars by length. 
    • The Unit of Measurement is the same as the length.
    • In the workflow for a job using this roll media, the quantity is in the unit of length.
  • The Odyssey generated price shown on the website is shown in any job workflow that is used to open the job.

  • Printers can set the time zone that the printshop is located in.
    • This is located under the 'Settings' tab
    • All time inputs within Odyssey v2 are related to the configured time zone
    • All data related to time displayed in Odyssey v2 are now translated to the local time zone for the printer
  • The message for the alert notification related to when a new order is placed on the website contains additional information when there is not enough information to automatically set a resource from a ‘Group’ in the default workflow.
    • The order form must be set to use Odyssey v2 pricing
  • When a job is reordered, the selection of resources from a ‘Group’ is done based on the original order.
    • The resource selections are made if the original job used the same workflow that is being used to show the price on the order form for the reordered job
  • Printers can see the invoice number in the ‘Receive Payment’ screen.

Released: 3/25/2021
Version 2.0.30 Prelaunch

  • When adding a new custom estimate, the printer can filter to find a customer from the list of existing customers.
  • When adding a new custom estimate, the printer can add a new customer not yet within their list of customers.
  • When a process is ‘Finished’, the printshop employee can select the category for the job that is seen in the website’s Workflow section.
  • In the list of estimates, the printer can see the quantity and price for each estimate. This shows if there is more than one quantity that was created within the estimate to send to the print buyer.
  • Printers are able to identify the workflow that was used to show the price on the order form when the print buyer placed the order.
  • Printers have the ability to identify the workflow that was used to send an estimate to the print buyer for a job in estimating (Waiting for Response) or an estimate for ‘Pending’ jobs.

Released: 3/12/2021
Version 2.0.29 Prelaunch

  • Calculations in workflow from new estimates now include 'Paper Transformation', 'From Thickness' and 'By Block'.
  • Estimates can be opened up even when all the resources have not been set.
  • Jobs can 'Start' even when all the resources have not been set.
  • 'New Order' and 'New Estimate' alert notifications lead the printer to the specific job or estimate related to the alert notification.
  • Alert notifications related to estimates clear out of the notifications list once the below happens:
    • The price is sent to the printbuyer
    • The printer accepts the estimate on behalf of the printbuyer
  • Printers are now able to add notes to processes of a job within the Job workflow.
    • All the notes for a particular job are now shown in the 'Notes' modal, which is found at the Job workflow level

  • Printers now have additional detailed information related to the 'Estimated Cost' and 'Final Cost' for 'Completed' jobs.

  • Printers are able to see the status of processes in the list of Tasks > InProgress jobs
    • Printers can now view the estimated date for the job to be completed.

Released: 2/26/2021
Version 2.0.28 Prelaunch

  • When a printshop employee selects 'Complete' for a job in Odyssey, that job also reflects as 'Completed' on the website
  • Printers may reject an estimate on behalf of a print buyer in Odyssey. When this is done, the website sees the status of the estimate as 'Rejected'
  • Post-processes of a workflow have the ability to add 'Conditions To Apply'
  • Jobs that are deleted from the website no longer show in Odyssey
  • Printers may utilize the 'Tasks' tab to view all the 'Pending' and 'In Progress' jobs in order to assign or reassign employees to these tasks.
  • The 'Customer' column is visible for all jobs and estimates under the 'Jobs' and 'Estimates' tabs
  • Printers may decide if the 'Needed By' in a calculation is 'By Block'
  • The minimum time shown for any process in a job's workflow is 1 minute
  • The 'Conditions to Apply' column is wider in the modal pop-up

Released: 2/11/2021
Version: 2.0.27 Prelaunch

  • Odyssey pricing is showing on order forms on the website
  • Printers can build a workflow from scratch to provide an estimate without an order form or a previous job being made available.
  • Printers may turn an estimate into an order on behalf of the printbuyer
  • Printers can now see jobs and estimates organized according to the website's Workflow 'Categories' column
  • Printers can send estimates to printbuyers when the job is 'In Estimating' status. Once sent, the job is now changed to 'Waiting for Price Approval'
  • Printers can change the status of a job from 'Waiting for Price Approval' to 'Pending'. This refers to the printshop accepted the job on behalf of the print buyer and is now 'Pending' in Odyssey
  • Printers must now be granted access to Odyssey v2
  • In order to use the 'S' size functionality in a Product workflow, the order form related to the workflow must be using the 'Size' question.

Released: 1/28/2021
Version 2.0.26 Prelaunch


  • Printers can send the price and up to three quantities of an estimate to a print buyer
    • Once a print buyer accepts an estimate, that turns the estimate into an order which shows up in Jobs - Pending in Odyssey
  • Printers can edit customer information via the Print Shop > My Customers > Edit Customers button
  • Customers phone and mobile phone numbers are visible in Print Shop > My Customers
  • Printers can access the Control Center's Workflow tab to send a proof via Printshop > Send a proof
  • Files attached to orders can be accessed by accessing the workflow for the job and selecting the 'Files' icon:

  • MI4P admins can provide system-wide workflows accessible to any printshop
  • Printers may copy workflows for their own use that are available system-wide
  • When Odyssey calculates the number of cuts based on the thickness of the media and lift height, the correct total number of sheets is used in the calculation.
  • Odyssey can now calculate the number of boxes based on the thickness of the paper and height of the box.
  • Paper Transformations are correctly taken into account for folding processes. This ensures the output quantity after the paper transformation doesn't change.
  • When opening up a process to view the calculations, only the calculations related to that specific process are viewable.

Released: 1/14/2021
Version 2.0.25 Prelaunch


  • The order number for the 1st order in Odyssey has been renumbered to 1; job numbers start at 1 for each order
  • Notes can be added to the job ticket
  • Text from 'Other' answer on an order form question is presented in the 'Notes' field in the job ticket
  • Printers may use an area-based cost to media resources
  • Uses may link from guided order forms to the order form on the website
  • Product workflows are drawing faster and more accurately
  • An exception handler has been implemented and a log file to trace exceptions that may occur
  • Ody developers can add list of papers on the back of Odyssey v2.0
  • The estimated price of a job using the default product workflow now shows on the website

Released: 12/31/2020
Version 2.0.24 Prelaunch


  • The number and name for a non-system Chart of Accounts may be edited
  • Summary information is available prior to receiving a payment or doing a bank deposit
  • Relevant columns have been added for the different types of accounting reports
  • The 'Size' answer/value from an order form 'Size' question is passed into the Workflow for the job
  • The thickness for component resources is now based on the Media resource being used in a Workflow for a job

Released: 12/17/2020
Version 2.0.23 Prelaunch


  • The Max and Min Thickness for devices has been added
  • Default Chart of Accounts has been added
  • Printers may receive and apply payments
  • Printers may generate credit memos
  • Printers may add a bank deposit and generate a PDF summary
  • Printers may generate statements: Transactional, Open and Forward Balance statements
  • Taxes are automatically calculated based on the shipping method selected
  • The Home screen has been updated

Released: 12/02/2020
Version 2.0.22 Prelaunch


  • Connect with AND or OR quantities in the job and Conditions to Apply
    • The toggle for Conditions to Apply can be either AND or OR
    • This can be done at the calculation for the Process or the calculation for a Resource (within a Process)
  • Copy the selected processes when copying a workflow
    • Printers may now select/deselect the process they want to be copied when copying a workflow
  • Invoicing:
    • Items in an invoice are now related to a revenue account, either one by product; otherwise the default account is used
    • Printers can view details of an account within a specified time period
    • Printers can indicate which items in an invoice are taxable or exempt from taxes
  • Receive payments is available
    • These payments can be added to the default asset account

Released: 11/18/2020
Version 2.0.21 Prelaunch


  • New QuantityBase Calculations
    • The quantity for a specific resource can be entered instead of being calculated from the job quantity
  • There is one Expense default account and one Revenue default account for costs of all jobs
    • Every cost that is not explicitly related to an account, is now related to the default Expense account
  • Hourly Rate can be entered as part of the cost of a Resource
    • The profit is not applied to this hourly rate
  • Only employees with accounting privileges now have access to the Accounting functionality of Odyssey
  • Ability to generate and edit invoices
  • Run a Chart of Accounts report
  • Drop-down lists are now alphabetized throughout Odyssey

Released: 11/04/2020
Version 2.0.20


  • Dimensions of Media resources are taken from the Resource attributes.
  • System workflows can be added and copied to a specific product.
  • Reports (filtered data) can be saved with a name, and be recalled for later use.
  • Calculations can use the quantity from the job as a condition to apply.
  • The printer may choose to minimize waste by changing the grain direction of media resources.
  • Cost of resources and calculations (ByProduct, ByProcess and ByProcessDefault ) have a Chart of Account where the cost of the job is now related.

Released: 10/21/2020
Version 2.0.19 Prelaunch


  • Conditional Workflows (Part II)

Released: 10/8/2020
Version 2.0.18 Prelaunch


  • Paper Transformation functionality
  • Conditional Workflows (Part I)

Released: 09/23/2020
Version 2.0.17 Prelaunch


  • Unit of Measurement: The Unit of Measurement can now be entered as an integer or a decimal.
  • Waste Backward Propagation: Odyssey is now able to determine waste from the beginning to end of a Workflow
  • Final Product: A feature has been added to Workflows to help indicate what is the Final Product.
    • This is a red circle with an 'F' inside to easily distinguish the final product being produced.
  • Reports:
    • Addition of a customers tab to narrow down specific print buyers
    • Printers can download reports as a PDF or CSV file
    • Printers may also select column(s) needing to be viewed and exported
    • Printers may filter rows, sort by Ascending or Descending
    • Printers may adjust the column width

Released: 09/09/2020
Version 2.0.16 Prelaunch


  • Copy Workflows: Printers can now copy Workflows from one product to another.
  • Overdue Tasks: Printers are now able to see the overdue tasks that have been assigned to them.
    • These are tasks not related to Workflow but rather related to team members assigning tasks to each other.
  • Production Supervisor: Printshop admins can designate employees of their choice as a Production Supervisor. 
    • The Supervisor now receives a notification when a 'Pending' job becomes overdue. Supervisors will also receive a notification when an 'In Progress' job has an estimate delivery date of 'Undefined'.
  • As a supervisor, the printer now receives a notification when a 'Pending' job becomes overdue
  • As a supervisor, the printer now receives a notification when an 'In Progress' job has an estimated delivery date as 'Undefined'
  • Filtering Order Forms: Printers can now filter the Order Forms by category and keyword 
  • Filtering Order Forms: Printers can now filter Private Order Forms by People: Company, Branch or Contact.

Released: 08/26/2020
Version 2.0.15 Prelaunch


  • The Customer Rep receives an email notifications when a print buyer adds a new job
    • This is 1st sent to the printbuyer's Customer Rep; if not, to the Branch Rep; if not, to the Company Rep and finally if not, to the Default Customer Rep.
  • The printer can include a customer (from the website info) to their personal tasks, for example to call them later.
  • The printer can now mark their personal tasks as 'Completed'.
  • The printer now sees an indicator next to the resources that don't have at least one calculations, or a cost or time set. The printer is NOT able to confirm these estimates.
  • The printer can now see an indicator in the options for the estimates with resources that are not available. 
    • In this case the printer is able to confirm the estimate (if the printer knows that this resource will be available by the time it is scheduled).
  • The printer now sees a watermark when downloading incomplete estimates.
  • The printer can confirm an estimate, which implies to add the resources and periods to the job workflow, and delete additional estimates.
  • The printer now has the ability to see who is working in the every “job” task, and also the status of said task
  • The printer is now able to define the size of 'In blocks of' in the cost of the resources and in the 'By Process' calculation.