Estimates: Requested tab

Updated at January 7th, 2022

Estimates show up in Odyssey using one of two methods:

  • The printbuyer selected options on the order form that resulted in a price not showing, therefore the order is considered an estimate
    • Printbuyer would have selected 'Request an Estimate' at the bottom of the order form
  • The printer created an estimate from scratch in Odyssey 2

With estimates, there are decisions points an Odyssey user will need to resolve before a job can have a workflow applied to it. These decision points will help ensure the workflow is tailored to the specific estimate being requested. Estimates will ALWAYS need to relate to a Workflow.

Example: If an order form has a question with an 'Other' answer, the job will come into Odyssey as an estimate if the 'Other' answer was chosen on the order form and if the 'Request an Estimate' button was chosen.

Example of a list of 'Requested' estimates

Newly added estimate at the top of the 'Requested Estimates' screen

Steps to process estimates in the Estimates > Requested tab:

  • Select the 'Estimates' tab'
  • Select 'Requested'
    • Users have a choice of two options:
      • Create a custom workflow for the estimate
        • This is when a workflow has not already been created for the estimate
      • Fine-tune the estimate before sending to the printbuyer
        • A workflow would have already been created

To create a custom workflow for the estimate:

To fine-tune the estimate:

  • Select the 'Estimates' button next to the job needing to have the estimate resolved
  • Select the Estimate Name next to 'Quantity'
    • The 'Job Specs' are revealed
  • Select the 'Copy' button to make up to two more copies of the estimate
    • Three different estimate quantities can be sent to the print buyer
  • Select the 'Notes' button  to adjust Order Notes or the Job Notes
  • Select the pencil icon  to renamed the 'Confirmed Estimate'
  • Select 'Re-estimate' reset the anticipated start date for the estimate
  • Select the pencil icon in the lower-right next to 'Total Price' to manually update the Total Price if desired
  • Select the 'reset' icon to reset the Total Price back to what was originally calculated
    • Note: The estimate price can not be reset if the 'Estimate Summary' > 'Update Estimate' button is selected
  • Select the red 'i' icons (if any) to resolve the warnings
    • Warnings may include missing costs or calculations for a resource
  • Resolve the line items that have a dash in the 'Quantity' column
    • A dash indicates a resource needs to be chosen. The user will see 'Selections available in options' for the dashed line(s).

Example of line items needing to be resolved for a 'Confirmed' estimate

  • Select 'Approve by customer' to approve this estimate on behalf of the customer
  • Select 'Options' to view different options available for the estimate
    • This may include if a user has groups of resources within the workflow
    • Odyssey will present the printer with various options to choose from, ordered from the most to least expensive cost to produce the product

Odyssey presents a user with multiple options to choose from

  • Select an option from the list of options
  • Select 'Save'

Example: Option 1 was selected

  • Select 'Confirm' once the estimate has the correct selling price and can be confirmed
    • It's at this point an estimate becomes a 'Confirmed' estimate
  • Select 'Decline Estimate' to decline the estimate on behalf of the printbuyer
    • At this point, the estimate will become a Rejected Estimate. Follow along with the 'Estimates: Rejected tab' article to learn more about Rejected Estimates.
  • Select 'Download' to download a PDF of the confirmed estimate
  • Select 'Estimate Summary' to view the three different estimate quantities and prices for each quantity
    • Select 'Update Estimate' to save the updates made to the estimate
    • Select 'Yes' if you would like to send the estimate to the customer for approval
    • Select 'No' if you do want to send the estimate to the customer for approval

Once the user has sent the estimate to the customer for approval, it will show up in Odyssey under the 'Estimates Waiting for Response' tab. Follow along with the 'Estimates: Waiting for Response tab' article to learn more.