Accounting: Bank Deposit

Updated at September 30th, 2021

Any payments that have been taken in as undeposited funds will show up Odyssey's Bank Deposit section.

This functionality will allow deposits such as credit card deposits or a batch of checks deposited into your bank matches one entry into your accounting system.

To make a bank deposit:

  • Select the 'Accounting' tab
  • Select 'Bank Deposit'
  • Select an account under 'Account'
    • If you have additional bank accounts set up in the Chart of Accounts, those bank accounts will show up in the pull-down menu
  • Select the date you will be making the deposit under 'Date'
    • A list of payments that were added as part of the receive payment section, such as a check or credit card payments, will show up in the list.
  • Select the box to the left of the line items you would like to deposit
  • Select 'Save' if a PDF is not needed at this time
  • Select 'Save & Print' if you would like to view/save a PDF of the deposit summary

Example of selecting multiple line items to add to the bank deposit

  • Select 'View Bank Deposit' to view deposited amounts based on specified start and ending dates
  • Enter in a 'Start Date' and 'End Date'
  • Select 'Ok'
    • The history of what was added to the batch deposit, based on the starting and ending dates, will be listed
  • Select 'Print' to print or view a PDF of the history of what was added to a particular batch deposit

Example of Account's bank deposits based on start and end dates

Example of a Deposit Summary PDF