Product Workflow Paths: Creating & Editing

Updated at July 16th, 2024

Creating a Product Workflow Path

To being creating a new workflow path for a product, simply select the blue ‘Create new workflow path’ button from the main screen of any Odyssey product.


Step 1: Create the workflow path

Overview: This screen is the first step in creating a workflow path for any product in Odyssey. Here, you can name your workflow path and select the printing technology to be used.


Components of the Screen

Navigation Path

  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Displays the current location within the application, starting from "Products" > "Product Name>" > "Create workflow path".

Progress Indicator

  • Step Indicator: Shows the current step in the workflow path creation process. Locked icons indicate steps yet to be completed.

Product Information

  • Product Name: Displays the name of the product for which you are creating a workflow path.

Workflow Path Details

  • Name this workflow path: A text input field to enter a name for the workflow path.
  • Select the printing technology to use on this path: Options include "Digital", "Offset", and "No printing".

Printing Technology Options

  • Digital: Indicates that the data to be printed on digital printing devices.
  • Offset: Select this option if the printing process involves offset printing technology.
  • No printing: Choose this if the workflow path does not involve any printing.

Continue Button

  • Disabled by Default: The "Continue" button is initially disabled and will become active once the necessary inputs are provided.

Steps to Create a Workflow Path

Name Your Workflow Path

  • Click on the text input field labeled "Name this workflow path".
  • Enter a descriptive name for the workflow path.

Select the Printing Technology

  • Choose the appropriate printing technology by clicking on one of the options: "Digital", "Offset", or "No printing".
  • The selected option will be highlighted.

Proceed to the Next Step

  • Once you have entered a name and selected a printing technology, the "Continue" button will become active.
  • Click on the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step in creating your workflow path.


Step 2: Select order form conditions

Overview: This screen is the second step in creating a workflow path for a product. Here, you can select the conditions that will trigger the selection of this workflow path based on the order form answers.


Components of the Screen

Workflow Path Information

  • Product: Displays the product name as the product for which the workflow path is being created.
  • Workflow Path Name: Displays the name of the workflow path (e.g., Example: ”Business Cards -Digital") and allows you to edit the name by clicking the pencil icon.
  • Printing Technology: Shows the selected printing technology (e.g., "Digital").
  • Order Form: Indicates the order form associated with this workflow path (e.g., "Business Cards").

Order Form Conditions

  • Minimum Quantity: A text input field to specify the minimum quantity for which this workflow path will be valid.
  • Maximum Quantity: A text input field to specify the maximum quantity for which this workflow path will be valid.
  • The order form's questions and answers to select the valid answers for this workflow path. Examples may include:
    • Size (Unfolded): A list of checkboxes where you can select the unfolded size(s) to be valid for the workflow path
    • Color Options: A list of checkboxes where you can select the color options to be valid for the workflow path
    • Paper Choices: A list of checkboxes where you can select any of the paper choices to be valid for the workflow path
    • Shrink Wrapping: A list of checkboxes where you can select the shrink wrapping options to be valid for the product


Steps to Select Order Form Conditions

Specify Minimum and Maximum Quantity

  • Enter the desired minimum quantity in the "Minimum quantity" text field.
  • Enter the desired maximum quantity in the "Maximum quantity" text field.

Select Size (Unfolded) Options

  • Check the boxes corresponding to the sizes that will trigger this workflow path to be selected.
  • You can select multiple sizes if applicable.

Choose Color Options

  • Check the boxes corresponding to the color options that will trigger this workflow path to be selected..
  • You can select multiple color options if applicable.

Select Paper Choices

  • Check the boxes corresponding to the types of paper that will trigger this workflow path to be selected..
  • You can select multiple paper types if applicable.

And so on…

  • After selecting all relevant order form conditions, the "Continue" button will become active.
  • Click on the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step in creating your workflow path.

Additional Tips

  • Select all conditions that match the typical orders for this workflow path to ensure smooth processing.
  • Use the "Select/Unselect All" options to quickly select or deselect all answers for a question.


Step 3: Workflow path specs

Overview: This screen is the third step in creating a workflow path for a product in Odyssey 2. Here, you will verify various resources for this workflow path and define the paper transformation for each trimmed size.

Components of the Screen

Workflow Path Information

  • Product: Displays the name of the product.
  • Workflow Path: Shows the name of the workflow path (e.g., "Business Cards - Digital").
  • Printing Technology: Displays the selected printing technology (e.g., "Digital").
  • Order Form: Indicates the associated order form (e.g., "Business Cards").
  • Processes Needed: Odyssey has ‘smarts’ and will offer suggested processes for this workflow path.

Specs for Business Cards

  • Subsections Information: A blue information box explaining that subsections are considered different parts of a product (e.g., cover and interior pages of a booklet).

Paper Choices Section

  • Reading from Order Form: A dropdown menu to select the order form field that corresponds to paper choices.
  • Paper Options: Displays various paper choices available, examples may include:
    • 100# Gloss Cover
    • 120# Gloss Cover
    • 80# Matte Text
    • And so on….
  • Tags: A field to search by tags that may have been added to paper resources
  • Select Dropdown: A dropdown menu to assign a specific Odyssey paper resource to a specific order form paper answer.

Paper Choice Detach

  • Detach Information: Explains that paper choice(s) mapped to the product will be the same for all workflow paths for that subsection for the product unless detached to only be specific to the subsection for the workflow path.

Steps to Map Paper Choices

Select the Order Form Field

  • Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Reading from order form" and select the order form question that corresponds to paper choices.

Select Paper Choices

  • For each paper choice, use the dropdown menu to assign it to a specific Odyssey paper resource
    • Example: An order form answer of “100# Gloss Cover” may be mapped to an Odyssey paper resource named “Default 100# Gloss Cover”.

Detach Paper Choices (If Needed)

  • If the mapped paper choices are only valid for this workflow path, detach the paper choice(s) by selecting ‘Detach paper choices’.


Printing Options Section

  • Reading from Order Form: A dropdown menu to select the order form question that corresponds to color options.
  • Set the Resource: A dropdown menu to select the printing device to be used for all color options.
  • Press to Use: A dropdown menu under each color option to select the printing press to use if different from using the ‘Set the resource’ dropdown.
  • Set color combination: This will change to display the selected color combination for each answer.
  • Detach Printing Options: If the mapped color options are only valid for this workflow path, detach the print options by selecting ‘Detach printing options’.


Steps to Configure Printing Options

Select the Order Form Field

  • Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Reading from order form" and select the order form question that corresponds to color options.

Select the Printing Resource

  • Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Set the resource" and select the appropriate printing resource.
    • Odyssey will apply the selected printing device to all color options

Configure Color Options

  • For each color option, you can:
    • Press to Use: Select the printing press from the dropdown menu (e.g., iGen 4) if a different printing device is to be used for any particular color option.
    • Set Color Combination: Click the "Set color combination" button to define or change the color combination for each option.

Set Color Combinations

  • Click on the "Set color combination" button under the relevant color option.
  • Select the correct color option within the ‘Color combination library’
  • Select ‘Save’
  • Ensure the correct color combinations are set for each color option to ensure proper printing costs.


Trim Sizes and Paper Transformation Section

  • Reading from Order Form: A dropdown menu to select the order form question that corresponds to size options.
  • Trimmed Sizes: Displays various trimmed sizes related to the order form question selected in the drop-down, examples may include:
    • 2 in. x 3.5 in.
    • 1.75 in. x 3.5 in.
    • 2.5 in. x 3.5 in.
    • And so on….
  • Assign Paper Transformation: Buttons to assign paper transformations (parent and run sizes) for each trimmed size. Refer to Defining The Size: The Paper Calculator for additional information on this functionality.
  • Edit Trimmed Size: Pencil icons to edit the trimmed size (if needed).
  • Detach Trim Sizes: If the assigned trimmed sizes are only valid for this workflow path, detach the Trim size(s) and paper transformation by selecting ‘Detach trim sizes’.


Folding Options Section

  • Toggle Switch: A switch to enable or disable folding options if folding is applicable to the workflow path.
  • Reading from order form: A dropdown menu to select the order form question that corresponds to folding.
  • For each listed folding answer, select the gray button to select a corresponding fold from Odyssey's ‘Fold library’
  • Select a folding device in the upper-right of each ‘Fold Preview’ pop-up modal
  • Select ‘Save’ after assigning each order form fold answer to an Odyssey fold

Proceed to the Next Step

  • After configuring trim sizes, paper transformations, and folding options, click on the "Continue" button to proceed to the next step.

Additional Tips

  • Double-check your selections to ensure the correct trim sizes and paper transformations are configured for each size.
  • Review the folding options to ensure they align with the order form's fold answers.


Step 4: Adding processes

Overview: This screen is the fourth step in creating a workflow path for an Odyssey product. Here, you can select and organize the processes that will be part of the workflow path.


Components of the Screen

Process Groups

  • Navigation Pane: On the left side, a list of all process groups in the printer's Odyssey is available. A group can be selected to view related processes within the selected group.
    • Groups may include Booklet Making, Box Packing, Conventional Printing, Cutting, Delivery, Digital Printing, and more.
    • Selecting ‘Suggested’ is where some of Odyssey's built in smarts come into play: Odyssey will reveal common, past used processes that could be used for the particular workflow path being built.

Available Processes

  • Search Bar: A search bar to quickly find a specific process by name.
  • Process List: A list of processes available within the selected group. Each process is represented by a gray button with the process name.

Selected Processes

  • Processes Already in Subsection: Shows processes that are already included in the current workflow path.
  • Processes to Add to Subsection: Shows processes that have been selected to add to the workflow path. Each selected process is represented by a gray button with the process name and a trash bin icon to remove it.

Action Buttons

  • Cancel: A gray button to cancel the current selection and go back to the previous screen.
  • Add processes: A green button to add the selected processes to the workflow path.


Steps to Select and Organize Processes

Select a Process Group

  • Click on a process group in the left navigation pane to view related processes within the selected process group. For example, click on "Digital Printing" to view processes under the “Digital Printing” process group.

Search for a Process

  • Use the search bar under ‘Available Processes’ to find a specific process by entering keywords related to the process name.

Select Processes to Add

  • Click on the gray button representing the process you want to add from the "Available Processes" list. The selected process will move to the "Processes to Add to Subsection" column.
  • Repeat this step to add the needed processes to the workflow path.

Organize Selected Processes

  • In the "Processes to Add to Branch" section, you can rearrange the order of the processes by dragging and dropping the gray buttons.
  • To remove a process, click on the trash bin icon next to the process name.

Add Processes to Workflow Path

  • Once you have selected and organized the necessary processes, click on the "Add processes" button to add them to the workflow path.

Cancel and Return

  • If you wish to cancel the current selection, click on the "Cancel" button to return to the previous screen without saving changes.


Step 5: Workflow path editor

Overview: This screen represents the final step in creating a workflow path for a product in Odyssey 2.0. Here, you can review, add, and configure processes, set workflow status, add/edit resource calculations, and ensure all settings are correctly applied before activating the workflow path.


Components of the Screen

Return to <Product name> Button

  • Return Button: A button in the top right corner labeled "Return to <product name>" allows you to navigate back to the main product screen.

Copy Workflow Path

  • Copy Button: A blue button labeled "Copy this workflow path" to duplicate the current workflow path for the same product for further customization.

Workflow Path Information

  • Product: Displays the product name
  • Workflow Path: Shows the name of the workflow path (e.g., "Business Cards - Digital") and allows you to edit it by clicking the pencil icon.
  • Printing Technology: Displays the selected printing technology (e.g., "Digital").
  • Order Form: A clickable link to the associated order form (e.g., "Business Cards").
  • Product Information: Displays the total weight of the product as part of workflow path testing.
  • Workflow Status: A toggle to set the workflow status to ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’.

Workflow Path Options

  • Set Trim & Transformation: A button to set or edit the trim sizes and paper transformations.

Processes List

  • Processes: Lists the processes included in the workflow path. Each process shows:
    • Process name (e.g., Default Digital Printing, Default Trim Press to Finished Size)
    • Edit button: To edit the process.
    • Delete button: To delete the process.
    • Reorder handle: To drag and drop for reordering processes.
    • Calculation button: To configure calculations at the process level.

Add More Processes

  • Add one or more processes button: A button to add more processes to the workflow path.


Steps to Finalize the Workflow Path

Review Workflow Path Information

  • Open up each process using the small gray arrow icon to the left of a process name
    • Odyssey will reveal all the selected resources for each ‘Process requirement’.
    • Selecting a resource within a ‘Process requirement’ will open up a slightly different modal for each resource to review settings.
      • Example: Opening up the ‘Default Digital Printing’ process will reveal a ‘Device’ process requirement. Selecting the blue button under ‘Device’ will open up the ‘Printing options’ modal to review.

Set Workflow Status

  • Ensure the 'Workflow status is toggled to "Active" if this workflow path is to be available for new jobs or estimates.
  • Ensure the status is set correctly to avoid any disruptions in production.

Configure Sizes

  • Click on the "Set trim & transformation" button to review or edit the trim sizes and paper transformations.
  • Ensure all sizes are correctly configured according to your production requirements.

Review and Edit Processes

  • Ensure all necessary processes are included in the workflow path.
  • Click the edit button (pencil icon) next to each process to review or modify its settings.
  • Use the delete button (trash bin icon) to remove any unnecessary processes.
  • Drag and drop the reorder handles to arrange the processes in the correct sequence.

Add More Processes (If Needed)

  • Click the "Add one or more processes" button to include additional processes in the workflow path.
  • Select the desired processes from the available list and add them to the workflow path.

Configure Process-Level Calculations

  • Click the calculation button (calculator icon) next to each process to configure process-level calculations (if necessary).
  • There is the option to add calculations by Cost Per Quantity, Cost Base, Time Per Quantity, or Time Base.

Configure Resource-Level Calculations

  • Open up a process to select a resource to configure resource-level calculations (if necessary).
  • Example: Opening up the final workflow path process to add a calculation to the Output ‘Component’ resource
  • Select the blue button under a resource and follow along under ‘Steps to Add a New Quantity Calculation’.


Steps to Add a New Quantity Calculation

Overview: The example being presented in this section will cover the example of adding boxes to a ‘Flyers’ product as part of the ‘Boxing’ process for the workflow path.


Open the Add New Calculation Form

  • Select the resource within the process
  • Select the blue ‘Calculator’ button to the left of the red trash can
  • Click the "Add new calculation" button to open the form for adding a new calculation.

Enter the Quantity

  • In the text input field, enter the number of boxes needed for the product.

Enable Variable Quantity Calculation (Optional)

  • If needed, leave the toggle switch to ‘on’ enable variable quantity calculation.
    • Odyssey will then calculate how many boxes are needed based on the inputs provided
  • Enter in the number of products that can fit in the box next to ‘For every _____________ (Component) Linked Input of this process produced by this process’

Consider Lift and Thickness (Optional)

  • Toggle the switch if you want to include lift and thickness in the calculation.
  • When doing so, Odyssey will take into consideration the height of the box and the thickness of the paper and determine how many boxes are needed.

Add Conditions (Optional)

  • Click the "Add condition" button to specify conditions under which this calculation will apply.
  • Follow the prompts to define the condition(s).
    • Examples may include to be based on a certain paper or a particular size


Example of a quantity calculation for a box, letting Odyssey determine how many boxes are needed with the toggle ‘Consider lift and thickness on the calculation’.


Save the Calculation

  • After entering all necessary information, click the "Save Calculation" button to save the new quantity calculation.

Close the Form

  • If you decide not to save the changes, click the "Close" button to exit the form without saving.


Additional Tips

  • Double-check all configurations to ensure there are no discrepancies that could affect production.
  • Keep the workflow path status updated to reflect its availability for new jobs or estimates.
  • Regularly review and update the workflow path as needed to maintain accuracy and efficiency.